Home page#


🔎 What is it?#

Allay Wormhole is a Discord bot that allow the connect textual channels together, even between different servers!

Allay Wormhole, such as other Allay projects, is free and open-source. It is written in Python and uses the Discord.py library and is managed by the Gunivers community.

🏃 Motivation#

Many discord communities either have multiple server, either would like to have more interaction with other friendly communities. However, Discord doesn’t provide any way to connect channels between servers. This is where Allay Wormhole comes in!

🤝 Follow and/or contribute#

You can come on our Discord server to talk with us and/or take part of the project!

If you want to contribute, please read at least the “Getting started” section in the “Contributing” page that contain all the development convention used in this project.